• Unraveling the Intriguing Bond: How AI Interacts with Human Emotional Intelligence

    By Roberta Attanasio Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing at warp speed, leaving unexpected marks on many facets of our lives. It’s the dynamic force propelling innovation and revolutionizing entire industries. Amidst this technological phenomenon dwells the interplay of AI with human emotional intelligence—where the boundaries between humanity and machines may eventually blur. In other words, we’re witnessing the incremental weaving of emotions with technology. Emotional intelligence, the art of deciphering our feelings and those of others, is a strength born from self-awareness and empathy. This groundbreaking concept was first defined by Peter Salvoy and John Mayer  in 1990 as “a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor…

  • Flowers

    Spending time in nature may improve emotional wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic

    By Roberta Attanasio The toll that the COVID-19 pandemic is taking on mental health, for both children and adults, is unequivocal. An article published in The New York Times in February 2021 highlights a dire situation: “Since the first coronavirus case was confirmed in the United States more than a year ago, the number of people in need of mental health services has surged. But many say that they are languishing on waiting lists, making call after call only to be turned away, with affordable options tough to find. Providers, who have long been in short supply, are stretched thin.” According to an article published at about the same time in…